Gibson’s Lawyer Slams Grigorieva’s Claims

Court Watch

Mel Gibson’s lawyer slammed Oksana Grigorieva’s claims that she had been treated cruelly by Mel and that he hadn’t been paying child support.  His lawyer actually termed her claims as “sensational allegations” because they were meant to simply tarnish his name in the media.

Right now, the ex-couple is battling over visitation rights.  Oksana received a restraining order last week causing Gibson’s lawyers to ask for a modification so the star can visit his daughter and spend time with her.

Kolodny, Gibson’s lawyer, told TMZ, “Oksana’s deceitful conduct in trying to terminate Mel’s access to his daughter continues.”

Last week, Oksana filed a restraining order against Gibson, and began spreading the rumor that he was not paying any child support.  The actor already has a tarnished image in the media due to past mistakes he made such as the anti-Semitic remarks.  It will be interesting to see how this whole debacle resolves between this Hollywood couple.

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Can my trucking injury case be filed in Illinois?

If you have been injured in a truck driving accident, you may be wondering whether your worker’s comp case can be filed in Illinois. For an injured truck driver, this is an important question to ask, as the jurisdiction of the case can end up having a big impact on your benefits.

There are three main scenarios in which the Illinois Worker’s Compensation Commission would have jurisdiction over a trucking injury:

-If the accident took place in Illinois, If the employer is principally located in Illinois, or If the contract for hire is in Illinois

This means that a truck driver whose home terminal is in Illinois can make a claim for workers comp benefits in Illinois even if they were injured while on the road in another State. It also means that truck drivers who get hurt while passing through Illinois can file a claim in Illinois, even if their employer is located in another state.

If you have been injured on the road, and you are unsure where and how to file your workers comp claim, call us at (312)-726-5567 to begin your consultation. We can advise you whether Illinois is the right state to file for you. We have handled well over 30,000 claims for injured workers throughout the state of Illinois.

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